Friday, June 27, 2008

And the people shall speak...

I had always hoped that, somehow, PocketCiv would wind up taking a life of it's own somewhat. And that somewhere along the line, that some small community somehow would come along and support it, add to it, and let it grow naturally.

In a lot of regards, this did not happen. While the general response has been overwhelmingly more enthusiastic than I could have dreamed ( ranked as the 720th best game on BGG), it's been a disappointment in the "virus" category so far.

Some part of this is that I really haven't "marketed" the game at all. One, I've got other things I want to do in my limited free time, and two, again, I really wanted to see what would happen to it, so I wanted it to have a life of it's own with me pushing it.

Most notably in my eternal sadness, even though there have been various calls for someone to turn it into a multi-player game, no one has apparently even tried the 2 player variant I have listed in the rules.

However, in other cases, things are brighter. I have received numerous emails for various people who have been inspired by PocketCiv to create their own solitaire game, using system elements from the game. So that's pretty satisfying. Most notably in this case is Zombie in My Pocket, the tiniest zombie game ever. And even though ZIMP leaves me a little flat due to the game lacking some interesting decisions (in my opinion), it does get props for the sheer size (or lack of size) of it, and still feeling like a game. Plus, it's been picked up by a publisher (Cambridge Games Factory), so it can't be all bad. And again, in this case Jeremiah (ZIMP's designer) has gone to pretty good lengths as far as marketing the game on BGG.

Anyway, this leads me to this point, in that I've agreed to let a fan of PocketCiv create an errata sheet, at which point I'll go back and fix all the bugaboos that the Geeks have found. And so, the call has gone out on BGG, at a thread that can be read here.

I assume this will give the geeks a little ownership of the game. And maybe a little pause for some creative sparks on their own beyond just rules fixes. And maybe, just maybe *sniff* my dream will be realized.

Well, if not, that's ok, too. As long as people still have fun with the game.

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Blogger Tim Moore said...

Oh, GREAT. Now I have to redo my super deluxe version of PocketCiv...

Will this never end...[smile]

7:23 PM  

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